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Visual Verses

At times, I find joy in saying more with fewer words – it's like painting a grand canvas with a tiny brush. This section is about that.


Have you ever?

Have you ever felt a storm inside even when everything is extremely calm? Or just sat with yourself till you decide to listen to yourself?

Or if it is the exact same emotion, where do you show all the fear and where are all the parts that you hide?
I came to Bangalore a couple of days back - not able to sleep, not able to say what it is, not able to figure if I should be happy or sad about this trip but then I saw this beautiful sunrise and I smiled. I just smiled and stared... :')


It just made sense.

There was a lot of commotion among residents in this basti - with lawyers telling me the specifics of clicking photos to be used in court and my colleagues checking the documents - just when I saw this little kid playing alone in the rain and it all made sense.


Where does it go?

I don’t know what exactly I’m looking for when I shoot streets. I don’t know what would take my attention or what is that one worthy shot.

But then I see such moments.
…and i wonder what it means to me or what importance would it hold. I also wonder what grief is to me. For how many years it has stayed with me ..and where does grief go, when you can’t hold it anymore? I wonder if there’s a right way to process grief.
..and I wonder if I’ll ever get there.

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